BC Schizophrenia Society


The BC Schizophrenia Society (BCSS) is a non-profit organization and province-wide family support system. They support, educate, raise funds for research and advocate for better services for people with schizophrenia and other serious and persistent mental illnesses.

The Tea Communications was engaged to act as Project Manager in the development of an awareness campaign for youth, highlighting the impact of cannabis on mental illness.

Working collaboratively with Kahani Pictures, The Tea ideated, conceptualized and helped in the production of an educational video that helped to visualize the complexities that cannabis can have on the brain - all with the help of youth from BC Schizophrenia Society programs.


The Impact

The video launched on World Mental Health Day, and was ultimately featured on CTV News as a part of our outreach strategy. It is being used as an educational tool in BCSS programs and in their visits to classrooms, to which feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.



