The Ever Changing Media Landscape
Newspapers are getting thinner. Pitches happen over Twitter. Advertorials are disguised as editorials. There's no question that the media landscape is changing. So how do we keep up in an ever competitive landscape?
Crying fowl: Twitter is now owned by Elon
A quick glance at Twitter - or any major (or minor) news outlet yesterday, or Twitter account, and you’d think something truly calamitous had transpired.
Client Spotlight: Science World
Science World is one of BC’s most iconic nonprofits. The Tea Communications is proud to have been Science World’s go-to marketing and public relations agency since 2017.
For Better or Much, Much Worse
Siri? “What is irony?” When a company called “Better” really couldn’t have done worse. In a real life scenario that feels like a discarded Succession plot line, CEO, Vishal Garg decided to kick off the festive season by summarily dismissing 900 employees via Zoom. In the (obviously) leaked Zoom video, Varg is seen weeping about how hard this is on him and how he’ll do better.
Are Two Way Rating Systems Skewing Results?
The latest trend in e-commerce and internet marketing is the two-way rating system whereby the seller and the buyer rate each other. In theory this should hold both sides accountable, and in most cases it does. But is it skewing results?
Welcome to the New Sharing Economy
I recently asked my taxi drive what he thought of Uber. His response? “I love it; it costs me an arm and a leg to rent this taxi. I’ve been driving for 8 hours already and haven’t earned enough yet to cover the overhead of renting this taxi from the owner. The next four hours of my night are crucial to me making a profit.” Just imagine what that looks like for a minute.
Brands, Show Some Personality
In an era of social media saturation, it's not enough to put pretty content out there and wait for the followers to come. Being proactive, showing personality, and joining conversations are what set smart brands apart (and allow them to go viral). How can brands show a little personality while still remaining professional and polished?
Where To Get The Best Free Stock Photos
If you work in marketing or social media you probably need access to really great photography. Luckily, there are now many sites that offer beautiful and completely free photos covering a wide range of content.